About Us

At KIDOLO we believe being a parent means adding to your life, not subtracting from it. KIDOLO readers are parents who remain true to their essence while providing their children with the utmost style, culture, and personality.

With an overwhelming amount of information, ideas, and inspiration out there, KIDOLO has simplified the search. Your time is too precious and valuable to your family. We, like discerning parents, believe in transparency in all things including ingredients and materials. With this in mind, we’re excited to present a wealth of up and coming business owners who stand true to their products and designs. Truly awesome folks who make being a parent an enviable experience.

Curated within KIDOLO, readers will find resources for innovative and modern parenting. Anything and everything to foster curious thoughts and good times. Your space is a reflection of your family and KIDOLO is here to hold up the mirror.

Time to share with you KIDOLO’s editorial policy:

Nothing is more important to us than our editorial integrity – and that’s never for sale.

You will see no “Sponsored Content” on KIDOLO. If we publish or promote, it is only because we are truly captivated and inspired, and not because we are commissioned to write.

Unless otherwise noted, we receive no compensation or financial incentives from the editorials we publish.